Course Description
This two-period, two-credit class will serve as an introduction to modern media. Students will learn the basics of journalism as well as the technical and design aspects of producing modern media. This course will allow students to participate in the production of our Dragon T.V. show, The Dragon Post, our online magazine, podcasts, and program website. Working on various design and writing projects all related to media will provide a real-world experience. Coursework will benefit both students and the school community as we highlight events related to the district. An emphasis will be placed on creating media that is relevant, well-written and thoughtfully produced. Strong design, composition and lighting work will be emphasized.
The first few months of the course will be spent honing technical, production and writing skills through various projects. Once students are comfortable producing media, we hope to share a bi-monthy film, podcast and online magazine. Students will spend time learning about various aspects of production and will rotate through four stations including: field crew, studio, The Dragon Post, and podcast.
Course Prerequisites
All students enrolled in Media Journalism must have completed English 9, 10 and 11.